UPDATE... AUGUST 2, 2011
I'm sorry everyone. My hopes to have a full summer season this year have been crushed. As each day passes with a non-raftable river, our staff feels more and more disappointed. Our spirits are low. We see the Truckee River trickle by our starting dock and all ask the the question...why is the river not higher?
With our country so desperate to work and repair our economy, and the words from our government leaders saying "put Americans to work", you just have to wonder why there isn't more the Federal Watermaster in Reno can do. I know they're "following a federal mandate to the letter of the law", but come on!
You would think there could be some way to boost our economy and figure out how to increase the flows from the Tahoe City dam so that the rafting businesses could open. Both rafting companies in Tahoe City employ about 150 people. There are many other businesses that benefit from people enjoying the river too. Isn't there a simpler way besides going through the Federal court system and changing outdated laws made 100 years ago?
Enough babbling for now... at the present time, the Watermaster's office has to deal with a very complicated set of rules. I know it's difficult and there's a lot of pressure...but, like I said before, "Come on"!
We'll keep you all updated... when we know something, I'll post it here and on our Facebook page.